Taxable cross border service subject to VAT exemption under certain requirements

On the 13th September China’s State Administration of Taxation promulgated the new implementation rules (Announcement 52) for taxable cross-border services. Announcement 52 will make it easier for companies to make use of VAT exemption for exported services already clarified in Circular 37 (2013). It applies retroactively to August 1, 2013, and any qualified revenue from September 1, 2012 to August 1, 2013 can be refunded or offset against tax due in the following period.

Companies genuinely providing services export will be satisfied with the new official rules. However, the inter-company transactions, like a WFOE in china providing services for its mother company, in the event of VAT exemption, exists the risk for abuse. These interactions will be scrutinized in depth by the tax authorities.

In order to qualify exported services for VAT exemptions it is necessary to meet the new requirements stated in announcement 52. We have separated the various types of cross-border services listed in Announcement 52 into three groups for clarity purposes.

Type I: General exempted services that are exempted from VAT:

  • Exploration and survey services
    Project exploration and survey services provided for projects and mineral resources located overseas.
  • Convention and exhibition services
    Convention and exhibition services provided for conventions and exhibitions held overseas. This includes organizing and arranging services for clients attending conferences and exhibitions overseas.
  • Warehousing services
    Warehousing services provided with the warehouses located overseas.
  • Personal property leasing services - Tangible personal property leasing services provided they are used overseas.
  • Publishing and broadcasting services
    Publishing and broadcasting services of radio, film, and television programs provided overseas.
    Publishing services refer to broadcasting radio, film, and television programs or transferring the right to report or broadcast recreational and sports activities to entities or individuals overseas, as well as reporting and/or broadcasting these programs or activities overseas.
    Broadcasting services refer to broadcasting radio, film and television shows in cinemas, theaters, or other places overseas.
    Broadcasting through radio or television, satellite communication, internet, or cable are not included.
  • International transport services
    International transport services operated without required licenses.
  • Transportation services
    Transportation services provided for traveling between Mainland China and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan operated without required licenses.

Type II: Exempted services under the simple tax calculation method

The simple tax calculation is used for calculating VAT for small-scale taxpayers and public transportation services provided by general taxpayers. The following cross-border services are exempted from VAT provided they use the simple tax calculation:

  • International transportation services
    Transportation services provided for traveling between mainland China and Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as transportation services provided in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan;
    R&D services and designing services provided to entities overseas (designing services for immovable properties in China are excluded).

Type III: Exempted services provided for overseas entities

The following taxable services are exempted from VAT when provided for overseas entities:

  • R&D and technology services
  • Information technology services
  • Culture and creativity services
  • Logistics and auxiliary services
  • Certification, authentication and consulting services
  • Production services of radio, film and television programs
  • Time charter services for ocean transportation
  • Voyage charter services for ocean transportation
  • Wet lease for air transportation
  • Advertising services publicized overseas

According to Announcement 52, the following documents should be lodged for review by tax officer on cross-border service VAT exemption application:

  • Record-filing form for VAT exemptions of cross-border services;
  • Original contract for providing the cross-border services and a copy of the contract (including Chinese translation of the contract with company chop or signature of the legal representative);
  • Supporting documents to prove the services are provided in compliance with the exemption’s corresponding requirements;
  • Supporting documents to prove the service recipient(s) are located overseas;
  • Other documents required by local tax authorities.


  • A recipient can’t claim any input VAT, it is not allowed to issue invoices including VAT.
  • Payment for the services must be made from outside of China
  • Taxable services provided to entities or individuals in the zones under special customs supervision in China are not considered to be providing cross-border service
  • Services must be provided under a written contract
  • Businesses have to account any revenues from exported services separately





   第一条 境内的单位和个人(以下称纳税人)提供跨境应税服务(以下称跨境服务),适用本办法。

第二条 下列跨境服务免征增值税:




















  1. 广告投放地在境外的广告服务。


第三条 纳税人向国内海关特殊监管区域内的单位或者个人提供的应税服务,不属于跨境服务,应照章征收增值税。

第四条 纳税人提供本办法第二条所列跨境服务,必须与服务接受方签订跨境服务书面合同。否则,不予免征增值税。

第五条 纳税人向境外单位有偿提供跨境服务,该服务的全部收入应从境外取得。否则,不予免征增值税。

第六条 纳税人提供跨境服务免征增值税的,应单独核算跨境服务的销售额,准确计算不得抵扣的进项税额,其免税收入不得开具增值税专用发票。

第七条 纳税人提供跨境服务申请免税的,应到主管税务机关办理跨境服务免税备案手续,同时提交以下资料:










第八条 纳税人办理跨境服务免税备案手续时,主管税务机关应当根据以下情况分别做出处理:

(一)报送的材料不符合规定的,应当及时告知纳税人补正; (二)报送的材料齐全、符合规定形式的,或者纳税人按照税务机关的要求补正报送全部材料的,应当受理纳税人的备案,将有关资料原件退还纳税人。


第九条 纳税人提供跨境服务,未按规定办理跨境服务免税备案手续的,一律不得免征增值税。

第十条 原签订的跨境服务合同发生变更或者跨境服务的有关情况发生变化,变化后仍属于本办法第二条规定的免税跨境服务范围的,纳税人应向主管税务机关重新办理跨境服务免税备案手续。

第十一条 纳税人应当完整保存本办法第七条要求的各项资料。

第十二条 税务机关应当定期或者不定期对纳税人的跨境服务增值税纳税情况进行检查,发现问题的,按照现行有关规定处理。

第十三条 本办法自2013年8月1日起执行。此前,纳税人提供符合本办法第二条规定的跨境服务,已进行免税申报的,按照本办法规定补办备案手续;未进行免税申报的,按照本办法规定办理跨境服务备案手续后,可以申请退税或者抵减以后的应纳税额;已开具增值税专用发票的,应将全部联次追回后方可办理跨境服务免税备案手续。此前,纳税人提供的跨境服务不符合本办法第二条规定的,应照章征收增值税。


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About Author

Stephanie Liu
Stephanie Liu

Stephanie is a qualified chartered accountant with extensive experience in the accounting and finance industries, both in Australia and in China. Stephanie has an Advanced Diploma of International Taxation, a master of commerce in international business, accounting and business law, and is qualified Chartered Accountant.

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