Building trust, respect and knowledge is core to our long term success and partnership with our clients.
Azure Group will invest in a new client relationship from the outset by offering an extensive complimentary review of your tax affairs and financial position prior to signing of an engagement.
On occasion, we will provide positive feedback that you are well positioned and your accounts management is exemplary. Most often, we identify issues needing to be resolved and add significant value to your business.
The complimentary review enables us to identify key tax structuring issues and provide additional knowledge and solutions. Our engagement will detail the action plan identified at this stage which triggers outcomes for short term success and long term gain.
How we review your business and make recommendations
Analyse your current tax position across all entities and Federal & State taxes.
Consider your personal and business tax positioning.
Modelling your current tax position for you to understand your current and future tax liabilities.
Provide commercial advice on your financial performance and the implications of improved/declining financial performance on your tax position.
Reviewing your accounts and their accuracy against your tax position. - RECOMMENDATIONS
Providing immediate recommendations and areas to consider, which forms the basis for our ongoing trusted working relationship.
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Azure Space
Our new client cloud solution. No more paper. No back-and-forth. Secure files available anytime, anywhere. Find out more >